Liuyu Ivy Chenis a writer and translator. She earned an MFA in creative writing from New York University and a BA in Chinese language and literature from Beijing Language and Culture University. Her work has appeared from Washington Square Review, LIT Magazine, Columbia Journal, Ploughshares, Asymptote, Spittoon, LARB China Channel,SupChina, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and elsewhere. She attended the NYFA Immigrant Artist Program in 2014 and Beijing Red Gate Residency in 2018. She interned at the United Nations Population Fund and the Asia Society, and is currently a program coordinator at Emory University's Art History Department. Ivy is originally from Yongkang, Zhejiang, China.
陈留瑜是文学创作者和翻译,纽约大学英文创意写作艺术硕士,北京语言大学汉语言文学学士。她的作品已发表在 Washington Square Review, LIT Magazine, Columbia Journal, Ploughshares, Asymptote, Spittoon, LARB China Channel,SupChina,The Atlanta Journal-Constitution等刊物上。留瑜曾获纽约大学全额奖学金资助,以及纽约艺术基金会移民艺术家项目扶助,也是北京红门画廊国际驻留艺术家。她曾在联合国人口基金和亚洲协会实习,目前在埃默里大学艺术史系担任项目协调员。留瑜的籍贯是浙江永康。
Byron Tong is an artist and translator living in New York. He received his MFA from New York University and BFA Honours from Simon Fraser University. His work has been shown at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 80WSE Gallery, Hanart TZ Gallery, and elsewhere. Tong’s recent books include Hometown Landscape (2015), Average Sweetheart (2014), and The Description of a Whale (2013). He has received Joan Mitchell Foundation Scholarship, Takao Tanabe Award in Visual Arts, Orange Corporation Annual Award in Visual Arts, May and Samuel Rudin Foundation Multimedia Technology Scholarship, British Columbia Arts Council Scholarship, among others. Tong is originally from Lushan, China.
Paul Stephen is a translator and editor living in New York. In 2015, he received a Master's in Chinese-English Translation from New York University, where he chaired the NYU Translation Society. He obtained a BA in International Affairs and Asian Studies at The George Washington University in 2012, and a Certificate in Chinese Language from Peking University in 2011. Paul spent many years working in China, where he served as Marketing Director at Leedscape Design, and wrote for China Radio International. Paul was the principal translator and editor for China National Geography's major publication China: Land in Five Colors. While in New York, Paul has subtitled the award-winning Hooligan Sparrow,Fairy Tales and other Chinese-language films, and once served as an in-house translator for the Asia Society. Paul is originally from Buffalo, New York.